Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Creation and Curation: A “Content” Marriage

A robust social media presence requires a lot of maintenance and management. From developing content strategies to pushing out messages, executing a complete plan may end up taking a lot more time than expected. Many content strategies rely on originally produced content for social channels. However, while original content is great for brand positioning, awareness, and SEO, it can be costly to produce in terms of both time and money.

Content curation is one option for businesses and organizations that have identified a need for a robust social media presence, but do not have the time or resources to produce large amounts of original content on an ongoing basis. Curated content can be the optimal solution to gaps in social media messaging that cannot be filled with originally produced pieces. A strategic approach to content curation can help a business establish itself as a thought leader, foster relationships with other thought leaders within a given industry, and minimize costs.

To learn more about the benefits of content curation and see tips on how to curate content effectively, request our latest POV.

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